Wednesday, January 23, 2008

It's ok to be a kid

Even though I am in college now I believe it is still o.k. to revert back to our younger ways. What I mean is every time I go to the Creamery on ninth to order a meal I always get the kids meal. My roommate and I have been doing this all year and find it the best meal they have there. Yes I feel kind of awkward in my 6'2'', 175 lbs, 19 year old frame asking for the kids meal, but the amount of food that comes with the meal easily overshadows this humiliation. Never have I become more full from a kids meal. I figure that as long as I live and still go to the Creamery, I will continue being a kid.


TJN said...
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TJN said...

I'm 22, I hope I grew up some on my mission and some since, but I totally agree. Did you know "adult" is a root that literally means "corrupt"? If you don't believe me, think of the work "adultery" (or you could grab your handy etymological dictionary!)

Sara said...

I think you count socially as a kid until your junior year. Eat up, you only have a year left!

I think therefore I am said...

I don't believe that is possible. A kids meal would never fill me up, but hey if it fills you up go for it. You really have nothing to be embarrassed about. You are saving money and getting a good meal all at the same time.

Marilyn said...

hey adam-your auntie from AZ here. I THINK you have discovered the grand secret to not gaining weight while eating fast food....good job. Maybe you won't gain the "freshman 10" they always talk about....