Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Stangest thing I have eaten

The strangest thing that I have eaten was fish eggs. This might not seem that different except that I didn't eat it at a restaurant but straight from the fish itself in the wild. I was fishing with my dad, brother-in-law, and his dad in the High Uintas this summer. We had backpacked to this secluded lake and weren't having much success. Finally my dad caught a fish and took it back to camp where we proceeded to cook it. Once it was finished cooking my dad started to eat it. After a couple of bites he discovered that there were still eggs left in it. He invited me over and let me try some. At first I thought the idea was kind of disgusting but, after tasting them they turned out to be pretty good.


Hubble said...

That's crazy that you ate eggs out of a fish. I really don't think my stomach could handle it. I think the strangest thing I've eaten was cow stomach. Needless to say, my stomach didn't handle that well at all.

LHammer said...

Hey, what about all those meals cooked over a fire at scout camp? As I recall, there were some strange things in those . . . lol
I didn't remember this story from your trip. Maybe its better that I didn't.

Sara said...

And that is how new dishes are invented. Bravo for trying something new and potentially disgusting.
And you lived to tell the tale. Score one for your digestive system.

Kaiti said...

I am definitely not a fish fan! I don't think i could've eatent the fish let alone the eggs inside of it.

Kyle said...

One time I ate fish eggs. Mine wasn't quite as fresh as yours, and it was on a piece of bread with some butter on it. It just tasted like salt water to me, and I don't think that I will be having it again any time soon.

Anonymous said...

Sick man, I've had cheap caviar before and it was basically a mouthful of salt on a cracker. Not recommended.

Anonymous said...

Oh Adam, this story made me laugh as I picture my brother inviting his son to eat the eggs out of the fish that they have just caught.

P.S. Have you ever asked your dad what the strangest thing is that he has eaten?