Monday, February 11, 2008

Mission Fever

I am really excited to go on a mission. I should be finishing my papers pretty soon and can expect to get my call in a little over a month. I live in the freshman dorms at Heritage Halls where there seems to be a mission fever going around being that a bunch of pre-mi's live together in one building. On Friday night I must of spent a total of 2 hours with friends just looking at a world map and thinking of all the different places that I could go. It was a colossal waste of time, but I really enjoyed envisioning myself experiencing new cultures and foods in different places of the world. I drew a circle around the pacific islands and some of Asia as a possible destination point. My dad went to Japan and my brother went to South Korea so I figure I need to follow the trend and go someplace in Asia. They tell me stories of the exotic foods that they partook of, such as my brother eating dog, and I long to have my own experiences trying the cuisine of foreign countries.


Rebecca said...

What an exciting time Adam! There are so many places where the Lord needs faithful servants; it is fun to speculate. I know that wherever you are called you will be needed, will have an amazing experience, and be a wonderful missionary.

Trivia note: out of all of his brothers, sister, and his dad, your dad was the only one who went to and Asian country.

I need to catch you before you leave and have you share some baseball tips with Aaron!

~Aunt Becky

Ashley said...

that's so exciting for you. i am so jealous you guys get to leave so soon and us girl's have to wait another two years. lame... but understandable. do you live in carroll? i saw you in your kitchen on friday i think that was you. i'm not a creeper i promise. haha

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to hear the news when you get your call!!

Chelsea said...

Wow that is really cool that both your dad ad your brother went to Asia! I definitely have to agree that there is a certain missionary fever that floats around the boys dorms. I am really excited for you to find out where you are going!

Anonymous said...

Hey dude that is sweet that you are freaking out over your mission. Yeah I need to serve one in two years and man I am not ever sure if I am ready. But yeah that is cool none-the-less. Hey Mrs. Laskowsky says hi also I told her that I can talk to you. L0l. Anyway you know me and I am going to go and play some halo 3 and guitar hero with my little sister Hailey and Colleen. See Ya round mext time you are in town.

Drake Henrie

alyssa said...

oooo how exciting!!! i cant wait to hear about where you are going

Hubble said...

Missions are always exciting and something that you'll definitely never regret. Can't wait to hear where your going!