Thursday, February 28, 2008

My Sister is a Spoon

I know the title of this blog seems kind of odd but I can explain. I called my sister the other day and we were talking about her upcoming musical Beauty and the Beast. She told me that she was going to be a spoon in the play. I told her congratulations on her role and hoped her the best in her upcoming production. After we talked for a little bit she said she wanted me to write a blog about her. So that is why I am writing this to say my sister is a spoon. In other news I turned in my mission papers last Sunday. I am so excited. I should get my call in about six days, so if you read this feel free to ask me Thursday at class.


LHammer said...

Hahaha Thanks bro. You could have said that I was going to be Belle too! That would have made me not feel like such a dork! :)

Martha said...

ahh i love beauty and the beast! i got to see in on broadway in nyc two years ago. how old is your sister?

kelli said...

Haha this is a good post. Congrats to your sister for being the spoon!

I think therefore I am said...

That is really exciting. I can only imagine what it would be like to be a spoon. My school just did a production of Beauty and the Beast and it is amazing. Tell your sister that to have fun.

Skooter said...

i always wished i was the candle stick. he is just so gosh darn charismatic.

Emma said...

You could have done so much more with this title. I'm so disappointed with you. My sister is a spoon too, but in the sense that she is an inverted mirror that could also kill you painfully when stabbed repeatedly. And I'm not talking about Miriam.