Well I got my mission call today. It was really hard waiting throughout the day to open it since I got it at 12:00 but didn't open it until 4:30. So if I didn't pay that well of attention in English class today forgive me. I received my call to... drum roll please, the Taiwan, Taipei, Mandarin speaking mission. I am so excited. I was literally shaking after I read my call. It feels like the perfect place for me and I really wanted to learn Mandarin. I have spent the day looking at pictures of Taiwan and figuring out what the climate will be like. I even ordered a Taiwanese flag so I can hang it in my room. I report the Provo MTC on June 25 and will be there for about three months. I will probably be eating a lot of rice, noodles, and fish. So in the language that I will be speaking for the next two years Zai Jian.
Congratulations! Very exciting.
Congrats!! That's so cool! The language will be tough, but with the Lord you'll be able to do it.
way exciting man!congrats!
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